Christos Mavrogiannis


  • Data analysis
  • Market research
  • Qualitative analysis
  • Regulatory updates
  • European Union (EU) policy analysis

About Christos

I am a Renewable Power Analyst at Veyt, where I track policy and regulatory changes, turning these into data and actionable insights. My objective is to help clients navigate the complex guarantees of origin markets in Eastern and Southeastern Europe and the non-EU countries of the Energy Community. By identifying challenges and opportunities, and considering how these can be addressed, I provide our clients with actionable insights.

My role is to follow market players and understand the drivers causing changes to supply and demand, as well asproducingtimely updates for our clients. Despite the the fact that the legal foundation for the market of guarantees of origin is a European regulation, there are wide discrepancies between national implementation, and I offer analysis on each country’s specificities.

Prior to Veyt, I spent a year working in Brussels for the refining industry, whichgave me significant insight into EU policy-making processes and regulatory developments. Since joiningVeyt,I have delved into EU and neighbouring countries’ power and renewable markets. Europe is at the forefront of global efforts to decarbonise, and I appreciate being able to actively contribute to furthering this goal.

I am based in Oslo, and I speak English, French, and Greek.


  • Data analysis
  • Market research
  • Qualitative analysis
  • Regulatory updates
  • European Union (EU) policy analysis

Quote from Christos Mavrogiannis

"Working in Veyt means collaborating daily with talented and bright people coming from all corners of the world. Our cross-disciplinary expertise and the multifaceted nature of the task of providing good analytics on the climate transition constitute a fertile environment for new ideas to be born and grow every day."

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